Wednesday, July 22, 2009

How big is your baby?? Mine's huge!

Lately, I have been wondering how my baby grows in comparison to other babies her age. I feel like she is growing at an uncontrollable rate...leaving cute outfits in the dust because she never had time to wear them. Consequently, I stuff her in very cute clothes that may be slightly too small.

Nora is 3months and weighs 14 pounds!!
I think she should be wearing 6-9 month sizes...However, she usually wears 6 months in Carters...3-6 months in Gymboree...and 3 months in Old Navy...I think it is time to give it up. She is busting out like the hulk!

Because all babies are different and all brands are different I would love to old your baby is and what size they fit into in some of your favorite brands!

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